In Facilities Management

Site360 provide operators with the critical information to ensure your operations run smoothly without interruption.

The Software

SITE360 is a cloud based site optimisation platform for the facilities management sector.

The Facilities Management sector relies heavily on the co-ordination and management of all of the services & equipment required to keep facilities operational every day. Being unable to provide the agreed services to your customers is financially and brand damaging.

Knowing the status of work orders across your sites and equipment is critical along with knowing when this equipment will be functioning. Site360 enables operators to manage your contractors performance, measure charges and manage safety across the most complex of sites.

Managability and control of contractors:

Site360 provides the Facilities management sector with a transparent platform to manage all of your contractors and vendors across all of your sites You will be able to accurately verify all invoices tendered for payment You will be able to manage high risk tasks on your site and minimise incidents


The financial, reputational, and operational impact of having an accident onsite is too damaging, so you need to ensure the safe movement of people through your locations.

Visitor attendance data allows you to monitor how long people are spending on site, how they performed, and whether they had any issues while there.

By having better visibility around who’s onsite, you can ensure their health and safety, and the viability of your operations.

Simple to use

Registration takes only minutes, easy to use app. With over 100,000 users today your contractors and vendors will be able to easily check into your sites


Identify where you can improve performance

By gathering data from multiple sources, Site360 operates as a processing platform enabling you to take actionable insights and make better decisions from your data.

The insights delivered by Site360 allows you to make better decisions on where you need to invest to improve the performance of your sites to optimise people’s experiences.

This creates a more nimble, agile, and responsive organisation, which drives profitability and growth.


Site360 in Care

"With Site360 giving us an organisation-wide view, we’ve achieved very positive outcomes in how we manage the attendance of unaccompanied contractors, along with reporting, and invoice scrutiny and justification."

Aged Care